Fighting for Joy: From Pain to Peace

Episode 79 · March 1st, 2024 · 1 hr 15 mins

About this Episode

I love introducing you to my local friends and today you get to meet another special one, Andrea Zahourek. I tell the story at the beginning of the episode, but from the very start of our friendship, we’ve shared deep compassion and understanding for each other’s grief. We’ve also found a lot of joy in cheering one another on over the years and supporting each other’s work, ideas, and dreams. It won’t take long for you to understand what a beautiful soul this amazing woman is! But Andrea’s journey from pain to peace has been a really difficult one. She’s faced teenage pregnancy, the death of a child, a very hard marriage that led to a difficult divorce, struggling and overworking to provide for her family as a single mom, and a lot of fear, questioning, and trying to “fake joy”. Today, as she shares her story and tells us about the years and years of work she has put into her fight for finding REAL joy, you’ll get a powerful glimpse into all that she has overcome and the beautiful life that she leads now…one that’s defined by family, faith, and serving others - and, one that is marked by deep peace, abundant gratitude, and true, lasting, authentic JOY! We cover A LOT in this episode and I’m grateful for the vulnerability that Andrea brought to our conversation. I know you’re going to hear so much HOPE in her story and I’m confident that each one of you will take away something that can help and encourage your own fight for joy.

You can find out more about AZ + Co here:

As always, you can connect with the Fighting for Joy Community on Instagram here:

and with Jodi personally on her Instagram page here:

**This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp, the world's largest online therapy provider. As I reflect on my grief journey I'm contantly reminded of just how helpful solid, Christian counseling has been for me! If you think that counseling would help YOUR fight for joy, visit my link at today! I’ve said it many times before and I will continue to say it - quality counseling is a worthy investment in your fight for joy!