Fighting for Joy with Physical Activity
Episode 18 · February 3rd, 2020 · 38 mins 19 secs
About this Episode
Today we continue on with Season 2 after a nice long break over the holidays! Whether you are a new listener or someone who has been listening since the beginning, my sincere hope is that you are encouraged and helped in your own fight for joy. I started this podcast to remind us all that there IS hope to be found in the midst of this broken world. We CAN experience joy, even in the middle of difficult circumstances. We don’t have to wait until things get better, or our circumstances change…we can fight for joy, and find it, right in the middle of the mess.
My guest on this episode is Jenny Estudillo. Jenny is my neighbor, a very dear friend, and someone that I live a lot of daily life with here in Fremont. I’m so excited that she is my first guest in 2020 because the topic that we cover today is something that a lot of people tend focus on at the start of a new year - and that is exercise. After enjoying the holidays, it's typical for people to make new year’s resolutions around physical activity...and that’s great! We do need to be moving our bodies and finding ways to fit exercise into our lives on a regular basis - but what is special today is that Jenny and I are going to focus in on how working out and training our bodies can actually be one of the most practical and helpful tools in our fight for joy. We are whole beings and taking care of our physical bodies can also tremendously help our emotional and spiritual well being! Physical activity is a practical tool that almost everyone can implement into their life in some way. I hope you find this episode really helpful as you continue to explore the various topics that I’m highlighting during this season, and I know you are just going to love getting to know Jenny! Thanks for listening.